International Conference on Contract Farming – ICCF

12 - 13 November 2024 | Nairobi, Kenya - The Edge Convention Centre


Theme: Revitalizing African Agriculture: Time for bold action

Day 1

  • Arrival and Registration – Refreshments and speed networking
  • Welcome Note from Moderator/Organizer
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Keynote Address


  • What is Contract Farming? Key Components and Characteristics
  • Growing Interest in Contract Farming: Driving Forces and Incentives
  • Advantages and Disadvantages for Buyers and Producers
  • Overview of Different Contract Farming Models
  • Criteria for Selecting the Appropriate Model
  • How to Maximize Impact for Responsible and Sustainable Contract Farming

Session Speakers

Lan Li, Economist-Agrifood Economics and Policy Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Session Note: This session provides a comprehensive introduction to contract farming, covering key components, driving forces, and both advantages and disadvantages. It also explores different contract farming models and criteria for selecting the appropriate one, ensuring sustainable impact.


    • Overview of Contract Farming in Africa
    • Key Challenges and Opportunities
    • Case Studies and Success Stories


Session Speaker

Ms. Margaret Kibogy, Managing Director, Kenya Dairy Board

Session Note: This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of contract farming in Africa, highlighting significant trends and development areas


  • Success Stories from Other Geographical Regions
  • Lessons Learned from Global Practices
  • Comparative Analysis with African Context


Session Speakers

Dr. Sunil Kr Ghosh, Associate Professor, BCKV-Agriculture University India

Session Note: Gain insights into global contract farming practices and explore successful models that can be adapted to the African setting.


  • Importance of Contract Farming for Private Enterprises
  • Profiles of Firms Engaging in Contract Farming
  • Role and Impact of Private Enterprises


Session Note: Understand the motivations and contributions of private enterprises in the contract farming landscape.


  • Introduction to Appropriate Technology for Various Farming Practices
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture Techniques
  • Technology Transfer Mechanisms
  • Irrigation systems


Session Speakers

  • Christopher Gasperi, Managing Director, Fresh Crop Ltd
  • Prateek Srivastva, Vice President, Cropin
  • Sheena Raikundalia, CEO, Kuza One
  • Dr. Abdelbagi M Ismail, Regional Director for Africa, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
  • Njieforti Princewill, Chief Executive Officer, Sustain Afric
  • Joseph Mburu, Agricultural Expert, iShamba
  • Jan Willem Van Casteren, CEO & Co-Founder, eProd Solutions


Session Note: Explore the latest technologies that enhance farming efficiency and sustainability, particularly in the context of contract farming.


  • Types of Export Contracts in Agriculture
  • Structuring Off-Take Agreements for Maximum Benefit
  • Best Practices and Common Pitfalls


Session Speaker

Philip Mutooni, CEO, Avocado Exporters Association of Kenya

Session Note: Learn about the different types of export contracts and how to negotiate favorable terms with buyers.

Session Note: An opportunity to network with peers, industry experts, and exhibitors, fostering collaborations and partnerships

Day 2


  • Government Roles at National and County Levels
  • Legislative Frameworks Supporting Contract Farming
  • Contributions of Donors and Lenders


Session Note: Discuss the enabling role of government policies and institutional mechanisms in facilitating contract farming.


  • Impact of Cooperatives, NGOs, and PVOs
  • Enhancing Farmer Access to Markets
  • Case Studies of Successful Intermediaries


Session Note: Analyze the critical role intermediaries play in bridging gaps and supporting farmers within the contract farming system


  • Integrating Smallholder Farmers into Sustainable Value Chains
  • Agribusiness Contributions to Food Security
  • Long-Term Development Strategies



Elijah Mbugua, Director of Agribusiness and Marketing, Murang’a County

Session Note: Examine how agribusiness initiatives can drive development and enhance food security, particularly for smallholder farmers.


  • Enhancing Market Access for Farmers
  • Trade as a Catalyst for Agricultural Growth
  • Value Addition : As a tool for reducing Post-Harvest Losses


Session Speakers

  • John Bosco Kalisa, Executive Chairman, East Africa Business and Investment Advisory Council
  • Hosea Machuki, Chief Executive Officer, Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK)
  • Anthony Morrison Kofituo, Chief Executive Officer, Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana
  • Gerald Makau Masila, Executive Director, Eastern Africa Grain Council
  • Calvince Onyuka, Project Manager, Farm to Market Alliance (Kenya)


Session Note: Gain insights into effective marketing strategies that can help farmers access broader markets and reduce losses.


  • Micro and SME Lending
  • Agricultural Insurance Solutions
  • Investment Opportunities in Agriculture

Session Speakers

 Daniel Munyambu, Country Agribusiness Specialist, Absa Bank Kenya PLC

Session Note: Explore various financial instruments and services available to support farmers and agribusinesses


  • Legal aspects of contracts between farmers and buyers
  • Effects on food markets and non-contract growers
  • Information provision and regulation in contract farming


Session Speakers

  • Dr Keni Kariuki, Managing Director, Impact Hub Nairobi
  • Mr. Barend Uys, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)


Session Note: Discuss strategies to balance the power dynamics between farmers and buyers, ensuring fair and equitable arrangements.


  • Engaging Youth in Farming
  • Potential Roles of Youth in Contract Farming
  • Mentor-ship and Development Programs

Session Speakers

  • George Ochuodho, Country Programmes Manager, Farm Africa
  • Charles Gitau, Country Director and Vice Chair-Pan Africa Board, Africa Agribusiness Academy
  • Dr. Nicholas K. Rop, Dean, School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, University of Eldoret


Session Note: Highlight the importance of involving youth in agriculture and developing programs to support their participation in contract farming.


  • Summary and way forward for contract farming in Africa
  • Thank you note from the host


Session Note: Conclude the conference with a summary of key takeaways and a discussion on the way forward for contract farming.

Breakout Sessions

  • Regulatory Frameworks and Compliance
  • Best Practices for Maintaining Quality
  • Certification Processes


Session Note: Discuss the importance of food safety and standards in contract farming, focusing on compliance and best practices.

  • Case Studies of Successful Projects
  • Lessons Learned from Implementation
  • Scaling Success: From Pilot to Large-Scale Operations


Session Note: Highlight successful contract farming projects, sharing insights and strategies that led to their success.

  • Latest Developments in Seed Technology
  • Seed Management Practices
  • Enhancing Crop Yields through Improved Seeds


Session Note: Explore the latest innovations in seed technology and management practices that can boost agricultural productivity.

  • Integrating Livestock into Contract Farming Models
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Livestock Contracting
  • Enhancing Livestock Productivity through Improved Practices


Session Speaker

Dr Bishar Fille Elmi, Director for Livestock production, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative, Kenya

Session Note: This session will focus on the integration of livestock into contract farming models, exploring the unique challenges and opportunities it presents. Discussions will include strategies to enhance livestock productivity, the role of technology, and the importance of sustainable practices in ensuring the success of livestock farming under contract arrangements.

These breakout sessions will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, fostering focused discussions and knowledge sharing.

Hurry! Early Bird Rates Expire on 10th October.